Canon CanoScan 9000F Color Image Scanner

 Canon CanoScan 9000F Color Image Scanner

Canon CanoScan 9000F Color Image Scanner

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Evolution of CT Scanner Detectors

The Evolution of CT Scanner Detectors

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download


CT scanners are designed for imaging of the internal structures of the body. They provide detailed anatomical information by utilizing the principle that different types of tissue structures scanned are displayed in the image as different shades of grey. Intravenous or oral contrast media may be used to further enhance differentiation between tissues.

The basic components of a CT scanner are an x-ray tube and an arc banana of detectors or a flat panel, mounted on a gantry with a circular aperture. Along the patient long axis (Z) there are many rows of these arcs of detectors, giving rise to the term multi-slice CT.

Multi-detector CT is also a commonly used term. The extent of patient coverage by the detector rows currently ranges from 12mm to 160mm in length, depending on the CT scanner model.

CT scanner technology has advanced rapidly in recent years, moving to more efficient and stable detectors, more refined engineering and data acquisition systems and electronics, and faster computers.

These CT scanner developments have been largely directed towards faster scanning of further lengths of the patient, using finer slices. As a result, CT scanners have evolved from a slice-by-slice diagnostic imaging system into a truly volumetric imaging modality, where images can be reconstructed in any plane without loss of image quality. This has lead to the increased use of multi-planar and 3D display modes in diagnosis.

However, it is also important to recognize that the performance of CT scanners in practice depends on the trade-off between image quality and radiation dose. As a result, each system should also be assessed in terms of clinical performance, with close observation of the radiation dosage utilized.

Generally, multi-slice scanners cover the patient volume between 20 and 40mm in length per rotation. The latest diagnostic multi-slice CT scanners can image patient volumes of up to 160mm per rotation.

The length of the detector array of the CT scanners determines the number of rotations needed to cover the total scan length, and consequently, the overall scan time. The ability to scan a given length with fewer rotations also helps to minimize head load on the x-ray tube, thereby allowing the scanning of longer lengths.

Detector arrays of the CT scanners are broadly divided into two types: fixed and variable. Fixed arrays have detectors of equal z-axis dimension over the full extent of the array, while with variable arrays; the central portion comprises finer detectors. With variable arrays, the total scan time for a given length for the finest slice acquisition is longer, because the z-axis coverage is reduced.

All CT scanners with greater than 64-slice acquisition have fixed array.

Complete coverage of an organ offers advantages for both dynamic perfusion and cardiac studies. The z-axis detector array lengths on the current 64-slice scanners, of up to 40 mm, are adequate to cover these organs in only a few rotations. A coverage length of 160mm usually allows complete organ coverage in a single rotation, so the function of the whole organ can be monitored over time.

The evolution of CT scanner designs reflect different strategies to accommodate future developments and allow for production costs. There is also some small dose saving where larger detector elements are used on the lower slice category scanners.

Spatial resolution is the ability of the CT scanners to image an object without blurring. It is often described as the sharpness of an image. It may be quoted as the smallest object size able to be distinguished, and as such, is evaluated using high-contrast test objects where signal-to-noise level is high and does not influence perception.

Modern CT scanners should be capable of achieving isotropic resolution: a z-axis resolution that is equal to or approaching the scan plane resolution, as this is essential for good-quality, multi-planar and 3D reconstructions.

It is helpful to remember that the cost of high-spatial resolution of CT scanners is either in the high image noise or in a high-patient radiation dose when the tube current is raised to reduce the image noise.

Contrast resolution of CT scanners is the ability to resolve an object from it surroundings, when the CT numbers are similar. It is sometimes referred to as low-contrast detectability. The ability to detect an object is dependent on its contrast, the level of image noise and its size. Contrast resolution is usually specified as the minimum size of object of a given contrast difference, that can be resolved for a specified set of scan.

The temporal resolution of CT scanners is defined as the time taken to acquire a segment of data for image reconstruction.

In CT scanners, temporal resolution is usually considered in the context of cardiac scanning. The goal in cardiac CT is to minimize image artifacts due to the motion of the heart. This can be achieved using ECG-gating techniques, and imaging the heart during the period of least movement in the cardiac cycle, resulting in temporal resolution requirements of very short periods, as compared with the heart cycle.

There is an optimum combination of pitch, gantry rotation time, and number of segments for each given heart rate.

CT scanner detectors capture the radiation beam from the patient and convert it into electrical signals, which are subsequently converted into binary coded information for onward transmission to a computer system for further processing.

CT scanners detectors must be capable of responding with extreme speed to a signal, without lag, must quickly discard the signal, and prepare for the next. They must also respond consistently and be small in size. CT scanners detectors should have high capture efficiency, high absorption efficiency and high conversion efficiency. These three parameters are called the detector dose efficiency.

The capture efficiency is how well the detectors receive photons from the patient. It is primarily controlled by detector size and the distance between detectors.

Absorption efficiency is how well the detectors convert incoming x-ray photons. It is primarily determined by the materials used, as well as the size and thickness of the detector.

Conversion efficiency is determined by how well the detector converts the absorbed photon information to a digital signal for the computer.

In recently manufactured CT scanners, the entire array of detectors consists of groupings of detectors, with each group known as a detector module, which is plugged into a motherboard unit of the detection system.

Flat-panel detectors have been developed for use in radiography and fluoroscopy, with the defined goal of replacing standard x-ray film, film-screen systems and image intensifiers by an advanced solid state sensor system. Flat-panel detector technology offers high dynamic range, dose-reduction, and fast digital conversion - yet keeping to a compact design. It appears logical to employ the same design for them, as well.

The use of flat-panel detectors for CT scanners provides a very efficient way of x-ray detection and acoustics. Flat-panel detectors provide high-spatial resolution. However, there are also some disadvantages: relatively lower dose efficiency, smaller fields or view and lower temporal resolution.

The Evolution of CT Scanner Detectors



The Evolution of CT Scanner Detectors

The Evolution of CT Scanner Detectors
The Evolution of CT Scanner Detectors


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Many Uses of a Scanner

The Many Uses of a Scanner

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download


One of the most useful inventions to come along with the computer age is the scanner. Unlike a photocopier which simply makes a copy of an article, a scanner allows you to preserve a digital image of just about anything you can fit on a scanner bed.

Here are a few things you can do with a scanner.

Copying Documents - You can turn a good flatbed scanner into a copying machine by scanning in those receipts and other important documents and then use your printer to have a copy or just keep a digital copy. The best thing about this is that you could use software to improve the documents, if you need to take out a grease smudge.

Other things a scanner can do is copy a quick recipe out of Grandmas old recipe book, or a page from a magazine that shows the instructions for a new at-home project you have been wanting to do. Maybe there are some old documents in the family that you would like to have a copy of for yourself, those can be added to the computer files just as any other document.

Scanning Photos For Printing - Photographs are nice especially if you are a professional photographer, but you could use the photos for websites to display your latest DIY project. The images could be used for desktop wallpaper or sending to friends and family through email. Because they are digitized you can use computer software to edit them, and make interesting images on top of the first.

Here is something else you could do with a scanner and software. Using the edit feature you can enlarge your projects on the computer screen and then print out only that part. This allows you to make a full-sized pattern of anything you wish, turn around and use it to trace the object on plywood. Once you are done, cut out life-sized reindeer, cows, antique cars, you name it.

Faxing Documents - You can Fax a document that is already in your computer, but if that document is on a sheet of paper, you have a problem. A scanner can scan it in, then you can send it out by using the fax driver. When you have long distance relatives, and you find something in a magazine that they need to see, put the magazine in the scanner and then from the computer send them the information.

OCR - Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software is used to convert images to readable text. Once they are converted you can use a word processor to make the changes that are required. OCR software usually comes with the scanner.

There always seems to be a need to try getting a hard copy of some document or picture into the computer files, and a scanner is the only way to achieve that. Having a good scanner could really improve your home or office by allowing you to copy, organize and save important files and photos on your computer.

The Many Uses of a Scanner



The Many Uses of a Scanner

The Many Uses of a Scanner
The Many Uses of a Scanner


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Scanning Photos? The Best Scanner Settings

Scanning Photos? The Best Scanner Settings

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download


Everyone has a photo scanner these days. Most of us will slap an old photo or document on the glass from time to time - and then kind of just hope for the best. Finally, here are the settings - simply explained - for getting what you need from your scanner.

So, you've fired up the machine, you have laid down your image on the scanner glass - what now?

Umm, can you back up just a sec? The glass. I don't know about you, but the glass on my scanner gets all kinds of dust and smears on it. So best to give it a bit of a wipe with a cloth and maybe Windex. If you have a can of air - blow the dust off the glass too. Check the photo for dust too while you are at it (but don't spray it with anything whatever you do!)

OK. The photo is back on the glass and you're thinking that this is a bigger job than you imagined. Calm down - it will all be over in a jiffy. Because, there is really only one setting that you need to worry about and that's resolution - or dots per inch (or "dpi"). This is important because dpi (or ppi - "pixels per inch") sets both the quality and size of your image (I am going to use "dpi, but read "dpi or ppi").

Scanner resolution: 96 dpi or 300 dpi
Your scanner should have a setting for "resolution" and it should give you some choices either in dpi ("dots per inch") or ppi ("pixels per inch') - for all practical purposes they are the same thing. Your choice - depending on your scanner - will be something between 50 and 10,000 dpi. That narrows it down eh?

The choice you make will depend on whether you intend to use your pictures on computer screens and monitors; or if you will want to print them. Your average PC has a default resolution of 96 dpi, and print requires 300 dpi. So use these settings for those uses. If you are going to email or post the images, scan at 96 dpi. If you will want to print, scan at 300 dpi.

(Why 96 dpi for screens but 300 dpi for print? Because of the way computer screens are back-lit and normal viewing distances for computer work, you can get away with less dots. In short, the greater the viewing distance, the less dots you need. Normal viewing distance for reading is pretty close and there is no back light; so you need 300 dpi for print.)

Picture size: moving off 96 and 300
Scanning at 96 or 300 works great for most situations. But not all.

For example, what if your picture is really small? Let's say you have an old passport photo - sized 1" x 1.5". And let's say you want to email it to a cousin, but you may want to print it later. You scan at 300 just like the article said. You will have plenty of resolution to print it. But will be the same size as the original - really small.

If you want to boost the size of your image, increase the dpi setting on your scanner. Just do some simple math to work out what the setting should be. If you would like that old passport photo to be 4" x 6" when printed, then scan at 1200 dpi.

(Get it? Multiply every inch of your original photo by the scanner resolution to get the final size.)

Scanning images for video
A lot of TV and video media use 72 dpi. But I would ignore that fact when scanning photos for a video project. If you are editing photos into a video editing timeline (as I often do in my life story videos) then the program will take care of any necessary resolution adjustments. Just make sure that you keep in mind that the standard definition video picture frame is 720 pixels wide, and that HD video is 1920 pixels wide. Any image you use for standard definition video or HD should at least be as wide as the picture frame - and wider if you plan to zoom in.

Resolution for scanning negatives
Calculate your scanner resolution settings in the same way you would a photograph. If it is a 35mm negative (around 1" x 1.5") then you will want to scan at a minimum 1200 (makes a print 4" x 6") - and 2400 is better (and 4000 is even better - but your file size is getting pretty big at this point). The larger the negative, the lower you can go - just ask yourself will it be used on the computer or printed - then do the math.

Scanning Photos? The Best Scanner Settings



Scanning Photos? The Best Scanner Settings

Scanning Photos? The Best Scanner Settings
Scanning Photos? The Best Scanner Settings


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Which Is the Best Automotive Code Scanner Available to You?

Which Is the Best Automotive Code Scanner Available to You?


Automobile owners are nagged by a common problem. No matter how luxurious a car is or how good its performance is, the car still encounter auto problems at times. That's why more and more owners prefer to have some auto code scanners of their own, which will save their budget spent on auto repair.

Surely, buyers will expect the code scanners give them the information of the problems and show the trouble codes to the largest extent. But another thing you should note is the performance of the code scanners is proportional to their price. Let's take a glance over the price information of the scanners.

Most auto supply stores offer portable code scanners at 0-200, but if you want a scanner to read codes as well as your car computer's input data, you may cost at least 00. Some people have faith in the snap on modes around 00 and the OTC genesis at 00. That's quite a big amount of money. So stores will sell little code scanners at about for OBD2 cars. Though people doubt about the quality, these scanners still have a good popularity since they can tell quite a lot of information and even do much better than anything displayed in a parts store and Wal-Mart designed for technicians. In a word, it's a matter of your usage thing.

Any code reader for your vehicle will give you the same codes. The most useful are the digital display ones. The low end chirping ones just chirp out the code and you have to count a series of beeps and it gets confusing especially with the engine running. If it has a test mode it can talk to the car and run a test with the key on.

Find auto code scanner on You can get high quality ones at the most favorable price.

Which Is the Best Automotive Code Scanner Available to You?



Which Is the Best Automotive Code Scanner Available to You?

Which Is the Best Automotive Code Scanner Available to You?
Which Is the Best Automotive Code Scanner Available to You?


Saturday, February 16, 2013

What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?

What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?

Samsung Galaxy

If you want to know what the best portable printer scanner is, then all you have to do is look at the available models and decide what is best. Answering this question should be easy since there are only a few models of this kind of printer. Unfortunately, the available models do not have features that can be considered the best. They may have been considered the best at one time, but as of today, they are not.

The portable scanners and printers that we're talking about are Canon's BJC printers, BJC 50, BJC55, BJC80 and BJC85 to be exact. Do not be misled! These printers cannot do the job of a printer and a scanner at the same time. It is either a printer or a scanner at the moment. This is made possible by the optional image scanner cartridge. It takes the place of the ink cartridge so that instead of printing ink, it scans.

There are a lot of printer scanners, portable printing devices and portable scanners available in the market today. However, there are only a few portable printer scanners. The models mentioned before are pretty much the only portable models available in the market today and even they are already discontinued. After their production, Canon continued on concentrating on portable printers, accelerating its speed and enhancing their resolutions. However, they did not incorporate scanners into its design.

If you are to ask which the best portable printer is, then it will be easy. We have Canon's Pixma iP100, which currently holds the highest resolution of portable printers. We also have HP's OfficeJet H470, which prints at 22 pages per minute, which is also the fastest of the mobile printers. However, if you are to ask what the best portable printer scanner is, it will be hard to choose from the existing models since their performance is only a fraction of what the current printers can do.

The BJC series of Canon is capable of printing up to a speed of 5pages per minute in monochrome. In color, it can print up to a maximum speed of 2ppm. In terms of resolution, these printers can print up to a maximum resolution of 720 dots per inch. These are hardly what you would call the best speeds and it doesn't even include the scanning resolution. Scanners available in the market today are capable of scanning to a resolution of 9600dpi. The BJC printers from canon can only scan up to 360dpi.

It may have been a marketing choice for Canon not to continue in making portable printer scanners. However, with the continuous decrease of electronic goods and the continuous increasing demand of portable products, there is certainly a market for portable printer scanners that they have not considered. So for now, we have to settle for high performance portable printers and high performance portable scanners, not both in one package.

So let us go back to the question. What is the best portable printer scanner? Well, it doesn't exist yet.

What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?


Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.52 Mins.

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

TWEET IT - It has perplexed humanity from as early as the Ancient Greeks. So which came first, the chicken or the egg? We take a crack at this curious conundrum. Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz). TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Mitchell Moffit http Gregory Brown http Further Reading -- Eggshell Protein 1) Debate 2)

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

No URL Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

The Many Uses of a Scanner

Samsung Galaxy

One of the most useful inventions to come along with the computer age is the scanner. Unlike a photocopier which simply makes a copy of an article, a scanner allows you to preserve a digital image of just about anything you can fit on a scanner bed.

Here are a few things you can do with a scanner.

Copying Documents - You can turn a good flatbed scanner into a copying machine by scanning in those receipts and other important documents and then use your printer to have a copy or just keep a digital copy. The best thing about this is that you could use software to improve the documents, if you need to take out a grease smudge.

Other things a scanner can do is copy a quick recipe out of Grandmas old recipe book, or a page from a magazine that shows the instructions for a new at-home project you have been wanting to do. Maybe there are some old documents in the family that you would like to have a copy of for yourself, those can be added to the computer files just as any other document.

Scanning Photos For Printing - Photographs are nice especially if you are a professional photographer, but you could use the photos for websites to display your latest DIY project. The images could be used for desktop wallpaper or sending to friends and family through email. Because they are digitized you can use computer software to edit them, and make interesting images on top of the first.

Here is something else you could do with a scanner and software. Using the edit feature you can enlarge your projects on the computer screen and then print out only that part. This allows you to make a full-sized pattern of anything you wish, turn around and use it to trace the object on plywood. Once you are done, cut out life-sized reindeer, cows, antique cars, you name it.

Faxing Documents - You can Fax a document that is already in your computer, but if that document is on a sheet of paper, you have a problem. A scanner can scan it in, then you can send it out by using the fax driver. When you have long distance relatives, and you find something in a magazine that they need to see, put the magazine in the scanner and then from the computer send them the information.

OCR - Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software is used to convert images to readable text. Once they are converted you can use a word processor to make the changes that are required. OCR software usually comes with the scanner.

There always seems to be a need to try getting a hard copy of some document or picture into the computer files, and a scanner is the only way to achieve that. Having a good scanner could really improve your home or office by allowing you to copy, organize and save important files and photos on your computer.

The Many Uses of a Scanner


The Harlem Shake [FUNNIEST ONES] Part 1

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 5.50 Mins.

The Harlem Shake [FUNNIEST ONES] Part 1

All rights belong to their respective owners. I do not own any of this content. SONG NAME: Harlem Shake - Baauer *ALL COPYRIGHTS go to Baauer or whoever is in charge. This is not my song* Everyone Is Doing The Harlem Shake Huge Compilation best of The Harlem Shake Huge Compilation Harlem Shake (Radio Station Edition) Harlem Shake v4 (Firefighter Edition) The Harlem Shake - Gamer Office Version The Harlem Shake - Life Teen Style The Harlem Shake (Atlantic Version) The Harlem Shake (Korean Version) The Harlem Shake V6 The Harlem Shake v7 The Harlem Shake v74 (Official College Edition) The Harlem shake. Sexy schoolgirl edition_ (BreakingMaas at Maastricht University Library) The Harlem Shake

The Harlem Shake [FUNNIEST ONES] Part 1

The Harlem Shake [FUNNIEST ONES] Part 1

The Harlem Shake [FUNNIEST ONES] Part 1

The Harlem Shake [FUNNIEST ONES] Part 1

No URL The Harlem Shake [FUNNIEST ONES] Part 1

Handheld Barcode Scanner Review - You Must Read This Before Buying a Handheld Barcode Scanner!

Samsung Galaxy

Handheld Barcode Scanner is one of the most recent innovation in making POS or point of sale scans as well as to instantly gain access to specific files in a database. So how exactly does a Handheld barcode scanner work? This contraption comes equipped with a light source, light sensor and a lens which is responsible for interpreting the optical impulses to electrical impulses. It reads the barcode image as the light flashes on it and transmits the interpretation to the output center, commonly a computer screen or a cash register.

Among the most common brands in the market for the Handheld Barcode Scanners nowadays are Symbol, Metrologic, Wasp, Adesso, TS, PSC, CCD, CK1, Intermec, Trakker, Datalogic, Standard and Informatics. Though there are a number of brands available, they come with different features for each piece. The weight alone vary, some weigh as little as 9 ounces while others weigh up to 3 pounds. Some are slim while others are more bulky, there are also some which are connected by USB ports and wires while others are wireless and are connected via Bluetooth. For Handheld Barcode Scanners which are wireless, the hand held scanner is powered by a battery; each fully charged battery can scan up to 20,000 scans or can stay on for up to 30 hours. The standard line or range is one hundred and sixty feet; although for some models, there is still room to be able to scan and store outside these lines for one to twelve inches away from the boundary by using the memory mode. For those models which are connected with wires to a station, these can normally extend for up to 5 feet which makes moving it around easier than that with a very short cord. These hand held scanners are now more usually featured with a plug and play feature via a USB plug; this will enable one to instantly connect the scanner to the port station without having to install it with a separate software.

If one is to consider purchasing one of these , there are a few factors to consider to be able to make a wise decision. They would have to first identify the purpose of its use for them to be able to make the right decision. The first thing to consider should be what type of bar code will be scanned; there are two types; the 1 Dimensional and the 2 Dimensional barcode. A one dimensional barcode is that which is most common; these come in a series of vertical bars of different densities thus forming a rectangle. However, for codes which require more information, these are the 2 Dimensional barcodes which looks quite different and may seem like a small pattern, sometimes come in boxed images. The orientation of how the barcode will be scanned is another factor; the most common Handheld Barcode Scanner is the one which has linear beams; this is only effective when the scanner has been positioned to be perpendicular to the barcode.

The other type is the omni Directional scanner; this is where the scanner is effective in scanning barcode regardless of the orientation of the barcode-may it be horizontal, diagonal or vertical, it will still be able to read and interpret the bars. If the scanner will be used in a specific station much like that of a check out counter, they can opt for the standard scanner which are wired and ported; however, for more versatile needs such as back room or inventory scans, the wireless version or the Bluetooth and memory mode featured scanners would be a better fit. Both the warranty and guarantee of the product will play an essential role in purchasing a scanner; if it will be used in a small scale purpose or business, an extended warranty or those up to 5 years or so may not be required; however for those Handheld Barcode Scanners which will be used in industrial environments and will require a huge number of scans and storage needs, those models with specified warranties which extend for long periods of time may be more essential.

Handheld Barcode Scanner Review - You Must Read This Before Buying a Handheld Barcode Scanner!


Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 1.57 Mins.

Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

A series of explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region, reportedly caused by a meteor shower, has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working. Atmospheric phenomena have been registered in the cities of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Tyumen. In Chelyabinsk, witnesses said the explosion was so loud that it resembled an earthquake and thunder at the same time, and that there were huge trails of smoke across the sky. Others reported seeing burning objects fall to earth. Office buildings in downtown Chelyabinsk are being evacuated. The regional Emergency Ministry said the phenomenon was a meteorite shower, but locals have speculated that it was a military fighter jet crash or a missile explosion. "According to preliminary data, the flashes seen over the Urals were caused by [a] meteorite shower," the Emergency Ministry told Itar-Tass news agency. падение метеорита Челябинск 6

Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

No URL Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?

Samsung Galaxy

If you want to know what the best portable printer scanner is, then all you have to do is look at the available models and decide what is best. Answering this question should be easy since there are only a few models of this kind of printer. Unfortunately, the available models do not have features that can be considered the best. They may have been considered the best at one time, but as of today, they are not.

The portable scanners and printers that we're talking about are Canon's BJC printers, BJC 50, BJC55, BJC80 and BJC85 to be exact. Do not be misled! These printers cannot do the job of a printer and a scanner at the same time. It is either a printer or a scanner at the moment. This is made possible by the optional image scanner cartridge. It takes the place of the ink cartridge so that instead of printing ink, it scans.

There are a lot of printer scanners, portable printing devices and portable scanners available in the market today. However, there are only a few portable printer scanners. The models mentioned before are pretty much the only portable models available in the market today and even they are already discontinued. After their production, Canon continued on concentrating on portable printers, accelerating its speed and enhancing their resolutions. However, they did not incorporate scanners into its design.

If you are to ask which the best portable printer is, then it will be easy. We have Canon's Pixma iP100, which currently holds the highest resolution of portable printers. We also have HP's OfficeJet H470, which prints at 22 pages per minute, which is also the fastest of the mobile printers. However, if you are to ask what the best portable printer scanner is, it will be hard to choose from the existing models since their performance is only a fraction of what the current printers can do.

The BJC series of Canon is capable of printing up to a speed of 5pages per minute in monochrome. In color, it can print up to a maximum speed of 2ppm. In terms of resolution, these printers can print up to a maximum resolution of 720 dots per inch. These are hardly what you would call the best speeds and it doesn't even include the scanning resolution. Scanners available in the market today are capable of scanning to a resolution of 9600dpi. The BJC printers from canon can only scan up to 360dpi.

It may have been a marketing choice for Canon not to continue in making portable printer scanners. However, with the continuous decrease of electronic goods and the continuous increasing demand of portable products, there is certainly a market for portable printer scanners that they have not considered. So for now, we have to settle for high performance portable printers and high performance portable scanners, not both in one package.

So let us go back to the question. What is the best portable printer scanner? Well, it doesn't exist yet.

What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?


Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 1.57 Mins.

Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

A series of explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region, reportedly caused by a meteor shower, has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working. Atmospheric phenomena have been registered in the cities of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Tyumen. In Chelyabinsk, witnesses said the explosion was so loud that it resembled an earthquake and thunder at the same time, and that there were huge trails of smoke across the sky. Others reported seeing burning objects fall to earth. Office buildings in downtown Chelyabinsk are being evacuated. The regional Emergency Ministry said the phenomenon was a meteorite shower, but locals have speculated that it was a military fighter jet crash or a missile explosion. "According to preliminary data, the flashes seen over the Urals were caused by [a] meteorite shower," the Emergency Ministry told Itar-Tass news agency. падение метеорита Челябинск 6

Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

No URL Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013

A series of explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region, reportedly caused by a meteor shower, has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working. Atmospheric phenomena have been registered in the cities of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Tyumen. In Chelyabinsk, witnesses said the explosion was so loud that it resembled an earthquake and thunder at the same time, and that there were huge trails of smoke across the sky. Others reported seeing burning objects fall to earth. Office buildings in downtown Chelyabinsk are being evacuated. The regional Emergency Ministry said the phenomenon was a meteorite shower, but locals have speculated that it was a military fighter jet crash or a missile explosion. "According to preliminary data, the flashes seen over the Urals were caused by [a] meteorite shower," the Emergency Ministry told Itar-Tass news agency. падение метеорита Челябинск 6



What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?

What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?
What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?


A series of explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region, reportedly caused by a meteor shower, has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working. Atmospheric phenomena have been registered in the cities of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Tyumen. In Chelyabinsk, witnesses said the explosion was so loud that it resembled an earthquake and thunder at the same time, and that there were huge trails of smoke across the sky. Others reported seeing burning objects fall to earth. Office buildings in downtown Chelyabinsk are being evacuated. The regional Emergency Ministry said the phenomenon was a meteorite shower, but locals have speculated that it was a military fighter jet crash or a missile explosion. "According to preliminary data, the flashes seen over the Urals were caused by [a] meteorite shower," the Emergency Ministry told Itar-Tass news agency. падение метеорита Челябинск 6



Handheld Barcode Scanner Review - You Must Read This Before Buying a Handheld Barcode Scanner!

Handheld Barcode Scanner Review - You Must Read This Before Buying a Handheld Barcode Scanner!
Handheld Barcode Scanner Review - You Must Read This Before Buying a Handheld Barcode Scanner!


All rights belong to their respective owners. I do not own any of this content. SONG NAME: Harlem Shake - Baauer *ALL COPYRIGHTS go to Baauer or whoever is in charge. This is not my song* Everyone Is Doing The Harlem Shake Huge Compilation best of The Harlem Shake Huge Compilation Harlem Shake (Radio Station Edition) Harlem Shake v4 (Firefighter Edition) The Harlem Shake - Gamer Office Version The Harlem Shake - Life Teen Style The Harlem Shake (Atlantic Version) The Harlem Shake (Korean Version) The Harlem Shake V6 The Harlem Shake v7 The Harlem Shake v74 (Official College Edition) The Harlem shake. Sexy schoolgirl edition_ (BreakingMaas at Maastricht University Library) The Harlem Shake



The Many Uses of a Scanner

The Many Uses of a Scanner
The Many Uses of a Scanner


TWEET IT - It has perplexed humanity from as early as the Ancient Greeks. So which came first, the chicken or the egg? We take a crack at this curious conundrum. Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz). TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Mitchell Moffit http Gregory Brown http Further Reading -- Eggshell Protein 1) Debate 2)



What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?

What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?
What is the Best Portable Printer Scanner?
